Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Team: For Swim

This is something I'm doing over a period of... who knows, lol. Just paying homage to the cats that really make me tick. These are the cats that have had a hand in molding me, whether they realize it or not. I think I'll do a couple now and a couple down the road and make additions as the crew grows.

I had to add this cat first cuz he's still the closest thing I have to a blood brother. I've known Swim since the 4th grade so he's not quite my oldest friend, but after a decade years lose significance. If we were to fall out right now and I found out that he needed me for anything, I'd put that beef aside without a second thought.

I love this cat because he's one friend who I know truly appreciates who I am. How do I know this? Because since we met in '92 this cat has NEVER tried to change me. Those are the friendships I like; where I can be me and you can be you, and we sync-up based on that. See, you got some cats who, if you don't say anything to em, they assume something's wrong. Wit Swim, if I dont' say anything, that simply means there's nothing to be said. And there's no awkwardness about it. We just jump on guitars or something and freestyle...

Let's see... I've always admired Swim because I always got the impression that Swim was one step ahead of me, even if I couldn't see it. Like when we were in grade school, I would shoot for A+'s on everything; he would crank out the A+'s at will, but usually he was happy with A's. Did I think I was smarter than him? HEGGGG NO! Cuz what I didnt' realize was that maintaining that A+ stuff would tax me before I graduated. Meanwhile, Swim knew how to balance, and because of that, when I burned out, he was still going strong. Kinda like how it used to be when we would race each other: I'd come out strong, take the lead, then burn out while he'd just maintain a steady stride, catch up, then pass me. Then I'd get a second wind and do the same thing, and he'd keep his stride and pass me again. And it seemed like he would always beat me; I just couldn't figure out how, lol.

Back in our X-Men days, I was the Colossus of the crew; Swim was the Nightcrawler. It fits, lol. Lemme tell yah something... me and Swim are tight, but Swim knows how to dip on a playa too, lol. Like the time me, Swim, and my lil sis were in the store. And this over-talkative girl Swim and I grew up with showed up on our aisle. I was playing a game, so I didn't see her. But Swim saw her. My sister's report goes as follows:
"He just got this weird look on his face... kinda with a half smile. I didn't know what was up, so I looked around. When I looked back, he was GONE..."
LOLOLOL... I've seen that face too many times. Anywasy, yeah, Swim dipped, and since I didn't get any kinda warning (as Sis didn't know), I was privileged to get stalled for eternity. Lost the fight (on the game) and everything... When I caught up to Swim--- it actually took us a long time to catch up to Swim, lol---he was laughing hysterically, but it was cool...(rofl)

Arright arright... But what I particularly like about this cat is that he's a good listener. He knows me fairly well after a decade, so he knows the kinda things that get to me. And it's the same here. So when I start gripin' and talking crazy, I don't get a "you shouldn't..." and "oooohh, shame on you...", cuz he knows good and well Im not serious; I'm just venting. What's more, as a good listener he respects my visions; it's kinda like Nash says to Guile on the Streetfighter V anime, "I've learned to trust your instincts". (Yeah, I'm a geek like dat. It's my blog, git ur own...)

And I make every effort to give the same respect. Don't get it twisted; just because we're close doesn't mean me and Swim are of the same mind (though people have thought we were brothers forever). Swim is more of an artist, I'm more of an activist. Swim likes to take chances, but I only risk when I have to. I'm a bit more extroverted, he's more introverted. But I think the friendship has been beneficial: if it wasn't for Swim, I wouldn't have taken the risks to go further than my usual spheres; if it wasn't for me, maybe Swim would have taken TOO MANY chances, lol.

So now Swims up at Morehouse, I'm down at Augusta State. We collab on musical projects and get to mix our differences into a tangible form. And I must say, cats are appreciating it. The chemistry is incredible. I can't wait til we get this out for the world to hear. Now if we can just agree on the intricacies of mixing and mastering, lol.

So, this entry is for u. A ginger beer toast... All Love to the homie SwimB-)

P.S. - Oh yeah, did I tell u he's a DGGJGB Fan too? Yah need to catch up on this thang, hear me!


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