Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Make Mine a DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger Beer!!!

Disclaimer: No, I'm not an alcoholic; ginger beer, at least the kind I drink, is nonalcoholic...

...and as I sipped the last drop of my third bottle today, I thought to myself, "I gotta do something to rep for this underappreciated, understocked beverage." So ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to the bombest drink on earth. Introducing DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger Beer!!

How bomb is this drink? Lemme tell u. See, on one hand it's sweeter than most sodas out there... On the other hand it's got FIYAH! It sits in the back of your throat and just BURNS! But don't panic! See, DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger Beer is an astringent: it PURGES YOU!

How bomb is this drink? Check it: my mom's been under the weather recooperating from medical complications, right?. As a side-effect, she can't taste most things, and her taste buds are taking their sweet time coming back to her. But I kept telling her, "Ma, u should hit some of this DGGJGB; I got a good feeling about it..." So she finally gave in today. Do you know she could actually taste it?! Praise the Lord for DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger Beer!

I was watching Bonanza one time (which I never watch). Do you know these cowboys in the Old West were sippin' on ginger beer? And anybody that knows me knows I'm a Cowboys fan anyway... it just fits! Ginger Beer is the drink of choice for this cat. Specifically, DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger Beer; no offense, but other ones I've tried weren't strong or sweet enough, lol.

So where do I get my DGGJGB? Well, they don't stock em in the major stores in my area, only the Goya brand as far as I've seen. I get 'em at this mom-and-pop shop around my way, run by this Latino couple. 'Nicest people you ever wanna meet; the wife always has a smile on her face, and the husband pats me on the shoulder like he knows me. Real cool people, lol. Not to mention I think I saw my wife in the parking lot the other day as I was leaving; a beautiful latina in a black car with Chinese Calligraphy on it (go figure! it was a good day huh!). So what did I do? I jumped in my ride, popped the bottletop, and said "I'll drink to that," lol.

Tangent Time! ...Yo, the other day I tossed some Muscadine Grape seeds randomly in my backyard to see if they'll grow... Come to think of it, I should be growing some ginger... muwahahahaha...

Anywasy, if you're reading this, why don't you take a little quality time and plant some seeds... IN THE GROUND if you're wondering, lol. And no illegal substances please. Why grow and sell weed to get money to eat when you can just grow the food instead? All LoveB-)


At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on. DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger beer is by far the best I have ever tasted. I had cancer of the liver, sooo, no more alchol. I use to take this on fishing trips to prevent sea sickness. I now want to make it my standard regular drink and a mixer with juice. I am having trouble finding in stores. Public's carried it once. I will check any Spanish stores for it.

At 4:00 AM, Blogger Jigabod said...

COOL! Another DGGJGB drinker, lol. I have the hardest time finding people who like it! Welcome to the family, lol. Maybe if we can find enough people, major stores will stop tripping and carry the stuff...


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