Monday, September 26, 2005

Love and Duty - or - Love and Racism

Aight... ENOUGH OF THIS. I was gonna write on something beautiful I came across, but ugly seems to be the flavor for the moment. Hold my mule, kid...

So I'm reading this article: Derek Jeter Receives Racist Hate Mail, or something that like that. So I'm thinking to myself, "Dag, 'some White dude call him a nigger or somethin?" Ohhh no. I wish it was that simple. Come to find out, somebody tellin the cat to stop dating White women! Uh oh...

I've been thinkin bout tackling this subject for a hot minute. I really tried to lighten the mood in this blog, but then some idiot gotta go and do this... So now I'm locked and loaded, and whoever wants it can get it free of charge.

I hate to bust ya'll in the face like this, but you know what it boils down to? I'll tell you... It boils down to the question of "what is love"? Is love is a relationship between two people, or is love a mere instrument of social change that has nothing to do with relationship. That's right; I'm asking you: Love or Duty?! Choose!

...So what these cats--- and some of you gon act like you're shocked when you figure out who I'm talking about--- are basically telling brotha Jeter is, "Love is not about you and the one dear to your heart; love is about us and unity and the struggle for equality." Does this sound good to you, brothas and sistas??? If it sounds good to you, then you don't even know what love is. Or let me put it like this... you love the cause more than you love the one you're with! Everything in your life revolves around the struggle and you've let the struggle rob you of the beauty of life!

You wanna go further? Let's go. Because of you losing sight of your own rites of life, you've already been defeated! You're just like this country; see, America has already lost the War on Terror. Why? Because we're terrified. You've already lost your battle for equality because you've been consumed in the struggle to the point that it's the only reason you live. The life you fight for has already been sacrificed. In the words of my homie COD, "HOLD THAT!"

Smh... oh, it's bout to get hella ugly now. So... who am I talking about when I say "these cats". Aight... I'ma drop this on you. Whoever wrote the letter to Jeter... called the brotha a "traitor". Guess what, Black folks... It wasn't a White man that wrote it! It was one of US; either some militant brotha, or some jealous sista. I don't know bout U, but I'm embarrassed. Keep living in fear of White people... if you call that living!

So... we get out of slavery only to be enslaved by causes now huh... There're some cats right now that're gonna die unhappy living and loving to please somebody else. I bow to no White massa, and I SHO don't bow to no Black massa (or mistress). LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE MEANT TO BE WITH. Yah cats are straight living in the past. No, racism is not dead; no, mixing love and politics is not the answer.

lol... Cats act like THEY'RE the ones gotta go home with the girl. You got something against certain people, then that's you. But my ancestors died so I could be FREE; not so I could be slave to a new, Black massa. So I'm gonna love who I wanna love, and anybody who honors their slave ancestors will do the same. THAT'S how the struggle will be won.

ALL LOVE to the homie Derek Jeter
I'ma come back to this topic in the future, kiddies. This just the tip of the iceberg, and already the Titanic is sinking...


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