Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Late Night Reflection: True Love Mythology

Arright. I'm cool, calm, and collected now. It's time to write the post I intended to write in the first place. Pull up a seat...

I was struck by a beautiful and profound anecdote today. Whether or not it holds true is open for debate, but I wanna say that is has merit. Lemme read it to you:

"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."

Whoooooaa, right? I mean, I can't argue with it; it seems right. And I gotta admit... I'm wounded by this statement. See--- supposing that that's the standard--- I'm not quite on that level yet.

Don't get me wrong, I don't expect to find a perfect person; I'm not perfect myself after all, right? But I was hoping there would at least be the perfect person. I was hoping true love would be sweet, not an acquired taste... I know, that sounds a little hard. Lemme put it like this: I never wanted to have to force myself to love somebody, ya dig? I had my heart set on loving someone that truly grabs my attention; it sounds like lust, I know. But she doesn't have to look perfect or anything; I just want her to grab me, ya know? After all, if we're talking marriage, we're talking the rest of our lives; might as well be with somebody that moves you right? Right?

Well, I hope so. I'm not the type of cat to cheat, but I don't wanna be with somebody that leaves me wanting to, ya know? I mean, I really wanna be a faithful, dedicated boyfriend/husband. And I know, whoever I'm with, I'm gonna make that happen. But I'd like it to be more than just obligation; I want to actually WANT to be that for her.

I thought I found the one for me one time. Things went sour, but when I was with her, she had my full cooperation an total attention, ya dig? And she wasn't Miss Universe; she was just Miss Right. 'Least, I thought she was. I used to think about everything I would do for her if she was mine. I couldn't see anybody but her. I'm still hoping that it'll be that way when true love finally finds me out.

Superficial on my part, eh? Honestly, I can't tell. But I wonder... is it possible that the statement in itself isn't concrete? After all... who says that the perfect person can't be an imperfect person? That would cause the statement to implode on itself, right? Well... from the beginning I said it seems right, not that it is. But it's something that I'm gonna hold on to. I've never truly been in love, so I don't know what to expect. For all I know, this anecdote could come in handy someday. Then again, maybe the girl of my dreams is the girl I'm dreaming of.

(yawn) I got a paper to write peeps. Just thought I'd share the thought for you to ponder. I got dreams to catch.

All Love

P.S. - 9/28/2005 - D'OH!!!! Upon re-reading the statement, I now surmise that I TOTALLY MISSED IT, lol. What it's technically saying is so obvious that it almost doesn't need to be said: "You're not perfect, and whoever you end up with is not going to be perfect; the test of true love is the ability to maintain that relationship in spite of the imperfections."

Now THAT'S something I have no problem accepting. Hallelujah, lol... Guess I had too much on my mind to catch that at the time. And the moral of the story is: READ THE LINES BEFORE YOU READ BETWEEN THE LINES! Bah... at least the misinterpretation made for a good write-up, eh?


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