Wednesday, September 14, 2005

We're Almost There, Charlie Brown

Not too long ago, I watched my favorite group of all time walk across the stage at the Grammys...several times actually. The infamous duo OutKast, straight outta Atlanta, GA. I've never met either one of em before even though I've wished to since I was a teen. But somehow I feel connected to these cats; so connected that when they came from opposite sides of the stage to embrace behind the microphone, I almost cried. And something inside me said, "We finally did it" as if I had been a part of the process, lol...

So why was OutKast winning (I think it was six) Grammys so important to me? It was because of what OutKast represents to me. See, I'm an outcast too. These are two cats who took up the flag of outcasts everywhere, started as underrated unknowns, and earned the respect of everyone, lovers and haters alike, without compromising their outcastic(<-------new word) uniqueness. So for me, seeing them take the hearts of the people and dominate at the highest level of musical critique... It proves that even now there's STILL hope for underdogs everywhere.

If it be nerds: Don't worry about cats that pick on you. Just maintain your stride, and you'll find that it's true what they say... they will call you boss one day.

If it be gentlemen: Hold the door open for that young lady even if she doesn't appreciate it. There is somebody badder than her who admires that you hold the door for women at all. And her father will see the man in you.

If it be underprivileged: Money never made the man. You've got a jump on the neanderthals who think otherwise. They appear up to par on the outside; you've evolved far past them on the inside.

If it be oppressed: Be proud that somebody fears you enough to feel they need to keep their foot on you. And don't worry, because they'll find that they can't move forward themselves without removing that foot.

...So I called up my homie Charlie Brown (yeah... ya'll prolly know him as Blockhead). "Chuck, you watchin' the Grammys? Ya boys are OWNIN' it! ...It was only a matter of time, man; when you hold your ground, something's always gotta give, homie. ...What more proof do you need? We're almost there, Charlie Brown..."


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo thats some rea ish i felt and feel the same way,


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