Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Jigabod's Fantasies - Rated G

lol... I know this is rated G, but I gotta say this. You know how people ask about "fantasy-fantasies"? You know the ones I'm talkin bout... (shall we change this to PG-13?) Well, I've been asked about mine several times. But the truth is... I mean really, I don't have fantasies like that. Remember that post I wrote about love and lust a while back? It's really how I feel. So whereas most people fantasize about... you know... I fantasize about just spending time with a woman; long walks, flirting, talking, saying good night, things like that. That really floats me.

Okay, now to the real topic. Ever since I was a kid, I've had an active imagination, and I just wanna share some of the fantasies that used to hold my mind. Let's see... there's:

The Snow Fantasy
I don't know what it was about snow, but I used to think about it all the time. But not walking in the snow... sleeping in it. For some reason, even though I knew snow was cold, it wouldn't register in my mind, and snow just struck me as the most comfortable place to rest on earth. And I used to think about hibernating in snow and being uncovered by a passerby or in the new season, lol. It doesn't make sense to me now, but I still love snow. Just wish it wasn't so cold so I could fall out in it, lol.

The Space Fantasy
This was a huge one. I used to think about this ALL the time. I would imagine my friends and I in a HUGE spaceship. I don't think we ever had a destination; just all of us being on this ship together was dope. We had food and everything we needed (somehow, I never actually thought of where it was coming from, lol). Every now and then, we'd come across the routine evil aliens, and that's when some of us would jump in our X-Wingish fighter ships and handle bizness. Sometimes we'd clean house, sometimes we'd get put down and hafta make an emergency landing on a strange planet. Cue the beautiful alien princess...

Sometimes I'd be the wise-cracking Han Solo character; sometimes I'd be the distinguished Commander Riker type character; sometimes I'd be the alien on board, lol. But as I think back, the fantasy never really had a beginning or ending; it just was. The ship was there, we were in space, and we went forward. Ignorance is bliss, lol.

The Detective Fantasy
This is something from a sliiightly older Jigabod, lol. I don't know where I got my fascination with this, but I loved the idea of detectives. The classic scene where the cool private eye is chillin in his office, feet propped on a desk. "And then, she walks into my life..." Some girl in a trenchcoat eases in the door. She needs my help because she had nobody else to turn to. Sometimes she's that mousy, cute girl. Other times, she acts like she can't stand my guts, lol. (oh did I mention this always happens in black-and-white) Somehow I always end up down at the docks, and it's foggy outside. What happens from there is always unpredicatable (cuz I don't even know how I get down there; there's just always something bad at "the docks" lol). Sometimes there's goons down there, waiting to jump me. Sometimes I win; sometimes I end up getting KO'd and wake up beneath the pier. Sometimes I just get information and follow a bunch of leads to a villain; sometimes the girl I meet in the beginning is the villain. I love it just thinking about it! Maybe I'll write a new story, lol.

The Superhero Fantasy
Aw man, sometimes I would combine this one with the space fantasy. But most of the time, it would be like on Thundercats; there's a headquarters on some planet, sometimes earth, sometimes... who knows, lol. And we all live there like a family. Sometimes it would be superheroes and my homies, it just depended on how I felt. It was so dope: I'd either have my own powers, or I'd be learning from some of my favorite superheroes. Having philosophical discussions with my fav X-Man Colossus, lol...

But then, headquarters would come under attack! It would be the combined forces of all my fav superheroes' nemesises. Some would leave to defend the base; others stayed behind to man the defenses. I used to like being outnumbered by the enemy, but as I think back, the battle would change hands so many times it was really funny, lol. There was always a "secret weapon" or "escape route". And nobody actually died, only sustained injuries or got knocked the heck out, lol.

...Dag, I feel younger already just thinking about it all. I can't figure out where those fantasies went though; somewhere between middle school and high school they left me, and I miss them dearly. I'm a grown man, but I feel like I need to dream a little more to remember some things about myself. But in a way, I see elements of those fantasies in my personality now.

So what does Jigabod fantasize about now? Hm...

I think about the things I said earlier: intimate talks, wine-and-dine dates (just a term, I don't drink), long drives, kisses, laughing, eye contact. One particular fantasy is me and my date/wife in a 2006 Lincoln, decked out, headed to a gala-type event. Just a real cool occasion, where they play old school music and we shuffle all night.

Asian Countrysides
I think about living in a building with thin walls, beautiful landscapes, a quiet lifestyle, drinking tea, practicing martial arts kata in a natural setting. It would be dope to have an old sensai to trade ideas with too (I think I wrote about this one before)

I think about living in a place where racism isn't as bad, guns aren't as frequent, the government cares about its people more than its economy, pitbulls are outlawed, and music is pure. And speaking of Canadian music, meeting Esthero would be a CHOICE experience, lol (so of course the homie Swim would hafta be with me, cuz he'd kill me if I met Esthero without him, lol).

Rallying people together toward making a better community and world as a career. That would be so dope.

Being in a studio with talented people and creating sounds never heard before. Maybe collaborating with the entire Dungeon Family... no, JOINING the Dungeon Family! That would be beyond belief...

Making It
I just want to be happy. To have financial security where I don't hafta depend on anyone.
To have a wife that's the woman of my dreams. To have an occupation that I'm glad to do, feel like I was meant to do.

When I look at my new fantasies versus my old, it kinda makes me sad. Did I really grow up, or did I just give up? After all, even as a kid I didn't SERIOUSLY think my fantasies were real. So what's wrong with having an active imagination as an adult if it's under control? But my new fantasies aren't so bad, and some are actually doable. That's always a plus. Perhaps a balance of the two might be beneficial. I haven't had a good dream in a minute; gotta break out of being so serious all the time. "Spaceship, beam me up..."



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