Thursday, June 01, 2006

My First Shot Was a Skyhook

I had totally forgotten... I was talking to a friend about basketball the other day, and we started talking about playing as kids. And the cat told me he could picture me like one of the players in the 70's, with my afro and all. And then it hit me: when I was little, I used to shoot with a skyhook!

I remember it was hard to shoot threes when we were that young, but with a skyhook I could catapult the ball where I needed it to go. And you know what? I used to sink em a fair percentage of the time! How about that...

Not only that, but the skyhook was convenient because I wasn't a natural ball-handler; come to think of it my position was more like a center. In recent years, I've been more of a shooting guard; 'prolly shoulda stuck with centering (if I even knew what a "center" was back then, lol).

Ya know though, I like the imagery of it. The skyhook is so traditional and old school. And with me having my fro back, shoot, I kinda feel like taking another stab at it. I can still feel that curl in my right hand; I think I can still make itB-J


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