Thursday, February 09, 2006

The V-Day Series: The Seasons of Love

You know, a day set aside to celebrate love isn't nearly enough. 365 days set aside to celebrate love wouldn't be enough. But in my mind, I like to see all of my days in the scope of love. So I thought I'd write a piece on "the season of love".

So which season is the season of love? lol... I don't believe love has a season. Love is never out of season. Love doesn't pivot on Valentine's Day after all...

Four seasons of love. I think each season of the year puts love in a different light. And I think that, like many other living things, a healthy love is a love that constantly grows and constantly changes, so this fits. So this is my view of love in the scope of the seasons:

Summer Love - Summer is possibly the most intense season of love; it's a time where a little heat is thrown in the mix. Warm nights encourage warm night activities; hot days bring a little more daring dress as we wear less and less. Needless to say, attraction is stronger because of this. I think people are happier in the summer, when school's out. It seems that the world is on vacation, and the vacation atmosphere creates time for love. Summer rains provide a great atmosphere for deep conversation and other such things.

Autumn Love - Fall... what a time to fall, eh? The outdoors are bright and changing. Windy days and rustling leaves. Perfect setting for intimate walks. Fall coolness comes with opportunities to offer loving gestures: a sharing of a warm jacket, playing in a pile of fallen leaves for instance. The season begins with a fiery glow and ends with a solemn change of hue. Perhaps an autumn love initiates with spark and progresses quickly into a serious relationship...

Winter Love - Bitter cold means a lot more indoor activity. I imagine that the cold becomes an antagonist that causes lovers to draw closer to fend off it's icy sting. Yet, the snow is so beautiful when it falls that we can't resist the urge to have snowball fights and play in the frost. And I like to imagine that the kisses of new snow falling on a person's face encourage them to kiss whoever is on their arm at the time.

Spring Love - Spring... maybe the most symbolic season of all. The season of new beginnings. The smells of spring: fragrant flowers. The sounds of spring: bird songs. The colors of spring: every color. What better time to begin relationships, renew wedding vows, start families...

But a lasting love sees all seasons, so I'm reluctant to say Spring is love's season. One must learn to enjoy all seasons of love for their unique elements. I talk as if I've experienced the seasons of love for myself.

All LoveB-J


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