Thursday, February 09, 2006

The V-Day Series: "Pimpin Game"?

lol...I know, I know. I owe ya THREE posts this time. I'll have em up by the end of the night... TRUST ME!

"...Pimpin been dead"
-Khujo Goodie

Aight... Now this post is more of a rant, I'll admit. You remember earlier when I said I had a unique walk and people have been talking about it since I was little? You remember that? OKay, good... Lemme give you a rundown of the comments people often make about my walk...

"You pimp!" "Ay, Cool Breeze!" "Pop yo collar!" "Playa, playa!" When it comes to love, that's a problem. You know why? Because I constantly have to convince people that I am NOT a pimp, player, or anything of the sort.

I heard a report the other day that Spike Lee was ranting about the pimp culture in Black Society. Now, instead of "nigger", how about "pimp"? THAT's a word we need to be concerned about. Why? Because a pimp is a well-established character with a true and unarguable definition; and the definition is not admirable. In case you didn't know, pimps send ho's (slang for whores) out to "service"customers and bring money back to him. Now... here's my problem...

I'm a nice guy, I cater to women, and I'm more than courteous, despite the ways of my associates. So it's nothing for there to be a female with me and it's nothing for me to have plenty of female friends. You see the problem there? I remember once I was in the mall. I was chilling with a friend of mine and her friend, who I had a crush on; they were walking a little a head of me and to either side of me, I was in the back and toward the middle. Must not have looked right--- these old dudes passed us and one gave me a thumbs up while the other said, "Look at this young pimp!"

Everytime that happens--- did I mention it happens a lot--- I get embarrassed. On one hand, I don't appreciate the less-than-flattering comment. 'Cuz, in case u didn't know, I don't like pimps nor am I aspiring to be one; nor is the girl you see me with actually "with" me 100% of the time because I've been single since... hm.... 6th grade? On the other hand, it's nice to be recognized, though they got me twisted. But on my third hand, and this is the biggie, I'm thinking to myself, "How does that make the girl I'm with feel?" The connection is obvious... If I'm with a girl and someone calls me a "pimp", then as far as I'm concerned they simultaneously call her a ho, and that's not cool.

So picture this... I'm trying to approach girls in the most respectful manner I can, but I got this "pimp" aura all around me. For instance, I thought about (THOUGHT ABOUT, not planned on) approaching someone the other day, and my homie got wind of it. For the next few weeks, cat was boosting me up and making a scene, "Let's see this pimp in action! Spit that game, playa!" And the f#cked up thing about it, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So I decided to squash the situation on the low because I couldn't come correct.

"Pimpin"... "Spittin game"... That's not me, and in the name of love I don't think it should be anybody. But it seems to be almost everybody. Truth be told, a lot of girls are looking for the closest thing to a pimp they can find without actually finding one. And I don't hafta tell u every MC/singer on the radio claims to be one. Actually, most of them can't even meet a lowly pimp's minimum requirements, so they change the characteristics of pimps to suit them. I'm just being honest.

So what does all this hafta do with Valentine's Day? Exactly... it has NOTHING to do with Valentine's Day, because it has nothing to do with love. So I BET' NOT hear NUN of YA'LL talkin bout "pimpin" and "spittin game" between now and then, and ESPECIALLY on that day. I DARE somebody to call me a pimp cuz he sees me with somebody on Valentine's Day. Your V-Day'll look like Bugsy Siegel's...

But as always,
All LoveB-J


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