Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tearful Reunion

I'm not sure if I can find the words to really express the feeling...

I went to the school today to drop my library books off, and while I was there I decided to go see my former employer to thank her for sending the sympathy card at the passing of my mother. I really looked forward to going back to my old spot. I crept into the small curriculum center facility and quietly greeted the new worker at the desk. Then I tip-toed a little further and peeped into Mrs. Cindy's office. She looked up and immediately threw me the biggest smile. As she rose from her chair I could already tell she was sincerely glad to see me. I was honestly happy to see her too; I mean, I really missed her, more than I even realized.

We hugged each other and I thanked her for the card. It was funny when I hugged her because the last person I hugged like that was my mom; Mrs. Cindy and my mom have similar builds. Anyway, after I thanked her, I started giving her an update to my situation. I told her about the process, the drawbacks, the positives, and my plans for the immediate time as well as the long run. Of course things haven't been fun at all, but relatively speaking I thought I presented things rather optimistically. But when I looked into my former employer's eyes, I was taken aback. They had welled up with tears.

The sincerity of this woman really did something to me. I didn't know how to take it; it was like I forgot how to breathe. As I stood in speechlessness, I remembered that her mother too had battled cancer. In her watery eyes I saw a spirit that truly knew my pain--- that had truly been where I was. Here was a friend that truly grieved with me. I felt like... Wow... There was this hot/cold feeling in my chest. I didn't want her to cry; at the same time I felt like crying myself. Somehow at the moment it seemed like I should've poured myself out to her. Of course I didn't, but it felt like I should've.

When I asked if she was okay, Mrs. Cindy snapped right up, fighting back the tears... once. But they came back again before it was all said and done, and she had to catch herself then as well. I don't like weighing other people down with my pain; maybe that's why it took me so long to go back to visit Mrs. Cindy. But I'm thankful for anyone who would shed a tear for me. I pray that God will bless Mrs. Cindy for her tears and help her to deal wth the pain of her loss as well.


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