Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The New Cliches (Is That Even Possible?)

I gave a presentation the other day in my history class. My speech was totally impromptu, and when I give impromptu speeches I usually throw in a cliche or two to give myself time to think. However, I try not to use the "real" cliches; most of the cliches I use are unique sayings that people have told me at points in my life that I've never heard before, nor have I heard since then. So I figured, why not write these down so I don't forget them. After all, I don't hear them that often.

So here's a list of some of my personal cliches. Most came from others, but a few came from myself as well. It's mostly for my own recollection, but I'm sure others will find them useful as well.

"History does not happen in a vacuum; it is continuous."

"A good writer never chooses a single word without purpose."

"A good lawyer doesn't tell you what you can't do; a good lawyer tells you what it will take for you to do what you want to do."

"With freedom comes responsibility, but with responsibility also comes freedom."

"When people act like animals, don't feed them."

"A round hole is open to a square object; that doesn't mean the square object will fit in."

"Soul [music] is from the inside out; pop [music] is from the outside in."

"Empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes; sympathy is getting a pair of those shoes for yourself."

"Death is a fact as if life is an act."


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