Sunday, December 11, 2005

Beautiful You (You Know Who You Are...)

(Sigh) Another semester comes to a close. A couple more exams and I'm done... again. And it's been a doosey; a doosey like I never imagined. Even as I think about it right now I'm thinking, "Not in a million years could/would/did this happen..." The phrase "time flies" has never meant so much and been so painful to me.

But enough about that. This is a special message. A lot of times I have things that I want to say that I don't, for one reason or another. But I think (and I do mean think) that I can safely say this here and finally get it off my chest. It's to the young lady who sits next to me in my East Asia class:

I just wanted to thank you. You might not think much of it, but you made this semester a lot easier on me. Otherwise it would've been (more) pure hell. It's nice to make friends along the way, especially when they're as beautiful as you...

As a matter of fact, I think I might have cut class more if you weren't so beautiful, lol. One thing I learned quickly is that you're a sharp dresser, so I always wondered what you'd be wearing the next time I saw you. I was laughing to myself the other day when Laura asked where you get your clothes from; guess I wasn't the only one that noticed. But I couldn't figure out if you were wearing the clothes or if the clothes were wearing you, ya know? I hope you don't mind me saying, but you have a beautiful figure. And I gotta say this, cuz this is something I usually don't even think to notice: you've got some of the cutest feet I've ever seen! I know that sounds wild, and no I don't use the word "cute" often 'cuz it's just not a word that brothas use... but it's TRUE! lol.

It wasn't just your beauty though; I also found your personality very refreshing. Even the small things like returning my emails (and not with the run-of-the-mill "yes" or "no", but with actual sentences, lol) and the time you told me I was "dependable" really made me think twice about surrendering to the enormous pressure I was under. I know so many other women like you who aren't nearly as down-to-earth. It just makes you that much more beautiful. And I still crack up about that episode when you wanted to know the Chinese symbols for "hate" and "betrayal". Not to mention the time you got mad at the professor for calling you "skinny"; you're like the first White girl I've ever seen get mad at somebody for calling her "skinny", lol.

Oh yeah... Not to mention... YOU ACTUALLY READ MY BLOG! Nobody actually reads my blog except my baby sister, this young kid from England, my best friend, and my homie from church. I already know you have a man and all that, but it's truly been a pleasure sitting next to you. Whoever your boyfriend is, he's one lucky cat.

All LoveB-J


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