Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Redemption<------look familiar, "Christians"?

You can't tell me... you can't BEGIN to tell me that in this so-called Judeo-Christian Western Civilization there aren't more Christians who condemn than redeem. Seriously now. Watch this...

I could tell ya'll right now that I want to form a record label or organization, and I want Mystikal and David Banner on the board...

"But Mystikal was involved in [not convicted of, but present at] a rape case, and David Banner does that nasty song 'Play'."

Or how about this one: "If you're gonna come to this church, you gotta find some better clothes. Wear a suit or something, no baggy jeans... Brush your hair..."

And in a similar way, I love how every Christian acts like every other Christian goes to the same church of incredible teaching. I thank God that I started off in a bogus church so I could see both sides of it.

And of course there's the Tookie Williams situation. IF, and I do mean IF, he killed those people that he's accused of killing--- and mind you, I said if he DID IT, not if he was convicted; it's not the same thing (unless you REALLY believe the justice system is infallible)--- of course he should be punished. At the same time, how can the good that a man does be overlooked, especially in light of a possibly flawed conviction. I'm not saying free the man; I'm saying let him live, even in a life sentence. Why? Because for the 4 people he may or may not have killed, he kept hundreds more from being killed by leading them away from his own organization.

I like this example too: how much wrong does it take to undo all the good you've ever done? In the West? Shoot... go to jail one time, you'll never find a job. Or even better: I was listening to the radio the other day. Do you realize there are people who can't get a job because they were late paying a cable bill 9 YEARS AGO? Hows that for Christian redemption...

I'm saying this because we're limiting the power and presence of God in our culture by being so much about condemnation and not enough about redemption. Before our God is the God of judgment, He is the God of a second chance. We like to make a big deal about people when they do wrong: "Oh he curses so much; oh she sleeps around; oh he doesn't come to church all the time; oh he doesn't believe in the same thing we do..." Do you realize that Jesus died for us while we were sinners? It wasn't after we got saved. Shoot, Jesus sat at the table WITH sinners when He was trying to win them; some of us are too righteous to do that--- the sinfulness might rub off or something... So where do we find the right to hold the wrong that people do against them? And how do we expect to win them? By condemnation? How do you reform a man after you kill him? Simple... you don't. You never sought his redemption in the first place.

Bottom line: there should never be condemnation without considering the possibility of redemption first. I'm not saying all can be redeemed, but there are thousands of brothas in jail right now who are handicapped for life because they were caught with a three inch rolled up plant. Last time I checked, the cigars that corporate execs chief on were much much bigger. I question the severity and fierceness of Christians of Condemnation; is this really the image of Jesus Christ, or is this you on a witchhunt to promote your own righteousness?

But as always, Brethren...
All Love


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