Saturday, July 22, 2006


Okay-okay, something just hit me...

Okay, right now, I have NO idea what I want my ideal woman to look like. It's something I had already realized, but never really gave any thought to. But then something hit me...

Ordinarily when we don't have a preference, the first thing we do is what? Go trying to find something to prefer right? But why? What for? I just realized: we have such a hard time adjusting to things because we get fixated on things before we actually have them.

So let's say right now, I don't have a preference in my ideal mate. I know some things I don't want, but I don't have anything in particular that I do want. GOOD. Instead of going out of my way to create frills, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna say "Lord, I know there's somebody out there for me, or maybe there isn't. Either way, You have at it. I'ma chill and let You send me whoever she is."

Boom. And just like that, my chances of dissappointment have been drastically reduced. Since there's only one person out there for me, it makes no sense to dream up somebody who might possibly not fit her description. Pessimistic? I don't think so. Maybe it's easy to say all this cuz I really don't care anymore; I've been single over a decade and I almost wear it like a badge of honor. I mean, truth be told, it hasn't been as bad as you might think; I'm alone and not lonely. So, as much as I love romance itself, I'm a bit apathetic about finding a mate. And the funnest thing about it... what the hegg is anybody gonna do? Hitch me? lol

And naw, that wasn't a typo; I really said "funnest".

And heck, since I have no preference, the irony is she may be easier to spot, cuz I don't have my own expectations blocking me. Weird huh? It doesn't feel like I've said anything, but I think u'll feel me when it sinks in.

So, Lord, when you get around to it, I'm around. However You wanna do it, it's cool.


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