Thursday, July 20, 2006

It Was a Day

Yep. A day. I already know this is gonna be at least three entries. Here's number one: a synopsis of the day I guess you might say.

It wasn't a bad day peeps, not at all. It was just mad crazy. I woke up rather prayerful about something I can't even remember. I think I just wanted to talk to God cuz it was hard to get up.

From there on out, it was a rollercoaster, or something like that. I remember once I got up, I was stretching or something, and I just randomly threw an elbow to get the lead out and start my day. Well, that got me to thinkin bout martial arts. Yup, I'm pitiful; sue me. Better yet fight me>:-D

Anyway, I was thinkin, "Hm... I wonder what martial art would suit me. I think I'll write about it later." If you're reading this, "later" hasn't arrived yet.

The night before, me and my co-conspirator had a discussion about whether or not I should pursue a particular love interest in spite of differences; I got to have fun toggling that all day. Hate it or love it... or both. What can I say, I'm a freak for heartbreak. She and I actually talked quite a bit today; situation remains unresolved. It's the journey, not the destination. In my own way, I'm luvin it.

Actually, speaking of pain, I found myself discussing how it hurts doing the right thing, but also hurts doing the wrong thing. I had a good discussion with myself, and we decided we're gonna blog about it later. If you're reading this, "later" hasn't arrived yet.

Website I bought; enough drama to put on a Greek tragicomedy. Yeah, I like that word tragicomedy cuz it just so accurately describes so many things. Life will make you laugh and cry at the same time, and that's sad and hilarious.

Kayzy, so when I got fed, I went for a ride. Decided to visit my aunt, but before I got there, I stopped to get a ginger beer. Long time no see with the mom and pops shop. Got to my aunt's--- pardon the interruption, but I'd just like to say I'm rushing right now--- house, and she wasn't there. No biggie. I was gonna be cute and leave a gingerbeer on her car's hood as a gift and be on my merry way.

Just as I'm leaving, she pulls up. Booyah! But here's the clincher: as I gave her the ginger beer as a gift, I get reminded that it's actually her BIRTHDAY! How sweet is THAT! She says it was my mother reminding me from Heaven, lol.

Kicked it at auntie's house for a while, came home after going by the same drugstore to do the same thing I still haven't and realistically won't be doing: getting a date with my high school classmate. I know it's not in the cards, but... well, scroll up. I'm a freak, lol. Did get some ginseng green tea outta the deal tho, so wonderbar.

Got home, and more internet drama. A lil more serious than I like it, but... dadgommit I got a GINGER BEER. I shall NOT lose. But seriously, its funny the relationships that form over the Net. And it's funny how people love to say they're preposterous; really I think many people diss things just to make themselves look intelligent or mature, not because they're right. But that's another...entry.

One thing I know; if I was crazy and rich, I'd have an adopted son right now. And maybe a wife. I prolly sound crazy, but it's my blog, that's what I'm s'posed da do.

Aight... I'm way too eager. I'm gonna cut this entry and get started on the other two or more. That's my day in a vague, gibberish nutshell. Enjoy. "Later" cometh.


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