Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Waiting Room Part II

So I was watching Star Wars Episode III today, and I got to the end where Queen Amidala/Padme has her twins and dies. As I was watching the part where her daughter (Princess Leia for those who don't get into Star Wars) is given to her previous guardsman, I finally had the inspiration to pick up the "waiting room" series. If you remember last time, I wrote about all the things I want to tell my son when he comes. That post is still in progress, as new things are coming to me all the time, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to start on this one in the meantime.

So, in the event I ever have a daughter, here are some things I want to tell her:

1. "You're beautiful. You're SOOOO beautiful. God doesn't make mistakes, so don't ever doubt your beauty. ...But don't let it go to your head, haha."

2. "Smile as much as you can. It's good for ya. Smile juuust enough to where people might think you're crazy."

3. "Dudes work on their words like girls work on their appearance. Don't let a cat talk you into being with him so easily; watch what he does."

4. "If a dude doesn't respect his parents, he won't know how to respect you."

5. "Don't let any man treat you any less than I've ever treated you."

6. "Don't ever feel like you need a 'boyfriend' cuz you got daddy. And no matter what happens I'm always gonna take care of you."

7. "It's okay to look nice, but make sure people see you for who you are and not what you look like. And on that note, don't let what you look like be contradictory to who you are."

8. "Go talk to your mom."

9. "Go ask your mom."

10. "Before you ask me to do that, there's an old commercial with LL Cool J and a little girl that I should tell you about. He was sitting on a stoop doing his daughter's hair and..."

11. "Rubies are better than diamonds because rubies shine from within, while diamonds reflect light from without."

12. "Those other girls probably don't have fathers, Boo."

13. "Your grandmama was a wonderful woman, that's why I talk about her all the time."

14. "In our society, you gotta be real sharp. They will demand more of you than they would of a man, but with Christ you can meet any challenge. HOWEVER, don't spend your life trying to prove yourself to others; do whatever it is God says you were meant to do, and let them think what they want."

15. "Motherhood is nothing to be ashamed of. A woman is capable of doing anything a man can do, but just because she can doesn't mean that she should. Men and women weren't put here to compete with each other. And motherhood is one of the most powerful anointings God ever set in motion. Why do you think your mother gets the world on Mother's Day and I get a new necktie, haha...ha... No, I LIKE the tie... It's a pretty tie... You got taste..."

More to come...


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