Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ladies... Ugly Iz Never In Season

Nah, I'm not tam'bout facial ugliness. Just gotta get something off my chest that's been in the back of my mind...

Ladies, I got a tip for ya: If you wanna look real insecure and unattractive, diss another female just because a brotha digs her. It happens ALL THE TIME, like it's not even funny anymore, it's clockwork. If we give another girl a compliment, (and it doesn't matter who it is, it could be a celeb or a regular girl), the first thing so many ladies do is downplay it. "I don't know why you guys make such a big deal about her... She's not all that pretty... She's not that talented... She's not womp-wa-womp-womp..."

Straight up, that's ugly to me; it says to me that you're insecure of yourself if you hafta downplay somebody else's shine like that. The classy thing to do would be to compliment her as well or inquire about the speaker's taste or just say nothing, not smash the bystander. I mean, I could even see disagreeing respectfully: "Hm... I'm not sure I see it the same... She's okay but..." or something like that.

I might catch a little flack for this, but I just had to get it off my chest cuz it really irks me. I don't care what time of year it is, ugly iz never in season. Have some class please; you lose points yourself if you try to belittle someone else.


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