Thursday, March 30, 2006

Dimensions of Beauty

GrrrrrrrrRAH. Pardon me. Long night, long time no see. My apologies, sincerely.

I was thinking about a discussion that my homeboy Swim and I had a while back. Sharp disagreement to be sure, but I'm still sticking to my guns on this one, lol. Here's the premise: the dimensions of beauty.

It was a weird argument, so I can only give you a glimpse of it. Then I'm just gonna give you my whole view and leave it at that before I get you and me lost in something TERRIBLE, lol. Come to think of it, I think me and Swim were arguing not because we actually had a difference of opinion, but because we never actually got on the same topic to begin with. My side of it: there are many dimensions of beauty. His side of it: you're either beautiful or you're not. See how they dont' actually match up? Yet they kinda knick each other too, and that's where the argument was.

Me being a 22 year old young man, it shouldn't surprise you that women are on my mind a lot. But 22 is a strange age because your horizon is especially wide: you're liable to be dating anywhere from a high school senior/grad to a college girl, to a 30 year old woman looking for a thrill. In all that, I often notice how the definition of beauty changes with different ages and different walks of life. ...

OH YEAH, I remember now. One big thing that Swim and I debated on was my belief in the "potential for beauty". Hold on to that...

Now, as a young man, the first type of beauty I recognize is that superficial, easy-breezy beautiful. I mean, not that I necessarily have anything against it, but it's that beauty that girls can turn on and turn off at will. Like not all women wake up with heavenly faces; it takes a bit of preparation, lol. (boy I'm in trouble) But don't get me wrong, if you doll yourself up and I come across you, you're gonna have my attention.

Now KEEPING my attention, that takes a different type of beauty. It's the most amazing phenomena: ugly personalities can truly take away from physical attractiveness. It's similar to how music can change the feel of a movie scene; outward beauty is subject to inward beauty. How much so? I dare say that a surplus of inward beauty can supplement a lack of outward beauty. HOWEVER... Yeah, you know what's up. Outward beauty has its place, I don't need to go any further...

Then there's another dimension of beauty that I've come across from dealing with older women. Unfortunately I haven't dated any of them, but let's b serious... I'm still making my way up in the world; any relationship would prolly just be a fling. A real fun fling. Anywasy, what I've discovered about older women is that they have a certain beauty that comes from having a narrative: they've lived, they've experienced. Mentally, they have much to share, and even the way they carry themselves is a result of experience. That experience adds another dimension to them that, in a good scenario, adds more beauty. As much as I'm not in a position to e'en DREAM of dating a woman with kids, for instance, to me there's a subtle beauty of motherhood that gets factored into a woman who has experienced it.

Which leads me back to our debate... 'Cuz on the experience tip, sometimes I see old women as very beautiful. Pardon me... (waiting for laughter to stop...) Okay, ya'll good?... (uproar...) Aight-aight, but at least hear me out Apollo. This is me: sometimes I see an old woman walk by. I look at her, like really analyze her face. Then I think to myself, "Ya know... she was probably a fox in her younger days..." Then I see her in a new light. Now my homie Swim, and I imagine many of you out there, say, "No... if she's beautiful you'll know right then. You had to think about it 'cuz she's not beautiful."

So there's the debate we had in a cracked nutshell. I'm somewhere between actually seeing beauty and recognizing the potential for beauty; he's an avid believe in beauty being an obvious thing: either you got it or you don't. I'm the type of cat that might see a smoker and say, "Man, she's actually pretty, but thoze cigs make her look so old." Swim's answer would be, "She's not pretty then dawg, it's your imagination, lol."

This has been on my mind the last few nights for some reason. Maybe because Spring has sprung and all that jazz. Yeah, Jigabod mighta come up short on V-Day, but it's that time of the season. So stay tuned and stay beautiful, lol.

For some reason this post didn't come out the way I had in mind... And yet it did. Life is crazy.

Jesus Peace


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