Thursday, March 23, 2006

Whoa... Hiatus

JEEEEZE MAN! It's been a loooooong time since I've posted. A lot has transpired though, and there's more to come if I can muster up enough energy and gumption to break some eggs...

Meanwhile, I guess I'll fill ya in on a few key moments of the last few weeks. A few days ago I found myself down in the dumps again. Then, outta the blue, this 15 year old student of mine goes WAY beyond her years and snaps me out of it! She gave me several pointers that really helped me regain my focus. To paraphrase two of them:

1. Don't rely so much on what you think you know.
2. At times, God allows us to have great challenges so that we can have great victories.

JEEEEZE! I 'clare if she wasn't 15 I might hafta date this kid, lol.

Before that, I also got schooled by my homie Joe, who's one year younger than me. He's had a very experienced and well-lived life to be so young; he's even married already and LOVES HIS WIFE TO THE CORE OF HIS BEING. At work, the older heads mistake him for a 30 year old, lol.

In the last 2-3 days I've had the pleasure of hearing the work of a producer that works where I work. HE IS AMAZING; like, I'd put him against anybody in the industry with confidence! It looks like in the near future we're going to collaborate, as well as several other guys that work the night shift. I CAN'T WAIT...

Did I mention I talked to the lady who now teaches in my mother's room at the school? ...I think I did. If not, I'll catch you up later.

Anyway, I'm definitely looking at taking some action very soon. As to what, I'm not sure yet; I'm pretty sure somebody somewhere is gonna have a problem with whatever I choose to do, so I'm preparing myself to accept that. I've tried very hard my whole life to be obedient and respectful to anybody that was ever over me, but I think I'm at a point now where being too obedient will stunt my growth. I waste half of my energy halfway doing things that my heart isn't really in; I waste the other half halfway doing the things that I want to do.

I'm led to think that great courage is the difference between those who succeed at what they pursue and those that fail. The longer I play the posterboy game, the more my resolve diminishes. I can't see myself putting my goals off until I complete the tasks someone else has set before me and then picking them back up. It's kinda like when your parents say, "you can go play after you finish dinner," but when you've finished dinner it's turned dark outside; now you can't go out and play. Or when they make you run their errands for them before you can play, but once you're done with the errands your energy is sapped. What do u think?

MEANWHILE... I've been inducted into the Hall of Fame on a rap site that I post on. Good to know my writing skills are still with me after all this time.

Anywasy, I know this was a very incoherent post. Just letting you know I'm still here. I'm gonna do some deep breathing and relax for a while. If nothing else, I wanna record a song before the day's out.

Jesus Peace


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