Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Pace of Extremities

What is the Pace of Life?... What Should Be the Pace of Life?... What Should Be the Pace of My Life?...

I had two other blogs in mind, but this question just came to me this moment and I had to write about it. You see, I'm a slow-mover literally and figuratively. People fly by me and I just maintain my steady gate. I watch people crash and burst into flames from moving too fast while keeping my "I told you so's" to myself. In the back of my mind, I'm the tortoise from the story of the tortoise and the hare.

Yet, at my own pace I seem to miss so many opportunities. True, I don't make the mistakes of many others; I have my own mistakes. Mistakes that leave me wondering what might have been. I win races, but they're not the races that matter; I'm the Earl "The Goat" Manigault that never plays in the NBA.

Then there's the moderate pace... I dont like this one either. I don't know what it is, but moderation seems to go hand in hand with mediocrity. Most people that move throught life at a moderate pace can do so because their goals are so... pracitical. They want a good job, a house, a wife, kids, a pension plan, and a boss tombstone. Any goal that's too lofty gets written off as impossible; any goal that's too easily obtained becomes unworthy. Hm... Well, if thats what you want, go for it. But I don't think I want that.

Slow, fast, and moderate. That's about it isn't it? Actually...

I think there's one more pace of life that deserves attention. I call it the pace of extermities. It's where your life goes from fast to slow and skips the moderation. I think this is the lifestyle of those who are considered "movers" and "shakers". They're either obtaining heights never-before-reached by man and making historical decisions, or they're the most docile beings on the planet, enjoying the things that those who live in moderation feel they're too good to enjoy. Moderation in the life of extremities comes as a balance between fast and slow paces. That's what I think my pace should be. I want so much, and I find pleasure in the simplest things. And the only thing I hate is mediocrity; I'm my most frustrated when I'm doing what everyone else is doing.

I don't even know why I wrote this ladies and gents. But I think it'll be useful to me in the near future...


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Jigabod said...

Thanx for the compliments. I love dealing with lofty questions like this because I don't think they're as meaningless as people make them out to be; I think they help to give us direction and to be more aware of ourselves so we don't get lost in our own lives. I thiknk it also makes it easier to recognize the reasons for our successes and failures.


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