Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day Started With a Thunderstorm...

(Need I say more... B-C)

I wasn't gonna do the cliche Christmas/holiday blog this time, but I get the feeling I'm not gonna have a cliche Christmas. I mean, things were looking up last night... I got off work early so I had time to run by Krystal's and get two #6 Combos for me and my little sis. We had some ants break in the house, but we took care of that quickly... No phone calls... Good music.

It wasn't a perfect start though. Baby sis tells me when I get home that pops finally called just to say all the checks he mentioned to us earlier in the week were "in his name" and stuff... Self is thinking, "You had to wait a whole week just to screw up my Christmas Eve and say that? Man-up and tell me when you find out for once..." I get the feeling if we weren't coming down to his sister's (or is it sister-in-law's... I have no idea... our aunt basically) house, who lives right across from him, he prolly still wouldn't have called. Before all that happened, my mom's best friend comes over to wish us a Merry Christmas and give us gifts; she's going out of town with her son, so they won't be with us today. I like having them around though, so it's kind of a damper...

Anywasy, I popped a bottle of Sparkling White Grape Juice Cocktail (non-alcoholic) and went to bed (thank God I could actually sleep at NIGHT for once... or so I thought) because I planned to make the early service (yes my church had service this morning; Christ+Mas= Worship Christ).

So tell me why at about 3/4 o'clock this morning... "Boom... boom.... rumble..." I knew it was scheduled to rain on Christmas, but when it's cold like this you raaaaarely get thunderstorms, even in Georgia. "No... friggin... way...", I thought. But it was legit...

So of course, with my brontophobic self, my next move was to get up and chill in the bathroom until it was done. And if you think I can go to sleep in the bathroom while it's storming, thanks for playing and better luck next time. I have no idea the time span that all this occurred; all I know is when my alarm clock went off, I smashed it and went back to sleep. I'll have to pay my tithes with interest later on this week...

So now I'm up. I feel bad that I missed church, but the combination of work-weariness and brontophobia did it for me. Maybe God knew I needed the rest... nah, I barely got any. Whoever was behind it, it happened, and I don't like it. So what's on tap for the rest of the day? Let's talk breakfast first. Maybe pancakes or somethin... Then comes the visitations. I know I'm asking for trouble, but I think I might put some sticky notes on my back to answer the family's questions before they ask them:

"School is fine," "I work overnight at Target, so I sleep during the day and
can't visit..." "I work overnight at Target and slept during the day so I didn't
get any shopping done, plus money is tight..." "Did I call you before Mom
passed; what makes you think I'm gonna start calling you now..." "Momma said I'm
old enough to assert myself before she passed; I'm just respecting her wishes,"
"Dad's fine, and even if he's not you're not gonna sit around the campfire and
talk about him right now," "Damion's fine. We tried to shop on Christmas Eve's
Eve when all the gifts were sold out at Target," "School is fine," "I make close
to $500 every two weeks," "Yes I'm passing; all A's and B's last semester," "I
will be graduating when I walk across the stage," "Yes I have the car back.
There it is in the window..." "Did the thunderstorm come by your way this
morning? That's why we didn't make it to church..." "I work overnight at Target... from
10-6... this season, from 11-7, sometimes 8.."

...It sucks living in other people's minds, but they're so readable, and I need time to prepare my answers so they don't come out wrong; Freudian slips suck too.

Somehow, I was more Christmassy two weeks ago in the back of Target listening to the Jacksons tom'bout Santa Claus and giving love, and Donny Hathaway tom'bout this Christmas, and Frank Sinatra offering this simple phrase, although it's been said many times many ways: Merry Christmas to you. Thanks Frank; yes, I am going to have a Merry Christmas. After all, who needs to go to church to worship Christ? I got my Bible right here.

Merry ChristmasB-J

Oooooh... P!S! - Almost forgot... A special Merry Christmas to my friend, Brandy. You'd better not be letting that nonsense you told me about ruin your Christmas, lol...

Unbelieveable... P.S.S. - This just in... There are actually two large Rottweilers running free on our street right now... This is gonna be the best Christmas EVER, boi I tell ya...

Stop the Presses... P.S.S.S. - This just in... It appears the thunderstorm also knocked out our house phone! FUN TIMES!!! Keep the cameras rolling...


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