Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Great College Rant

I'm gonna enjoy this soooooo much...

Let's take a good look at what the heck this college madness is all about. Do you cats realize that most of the most f'ed up institutions in this country are run by... college grads and grad students? And yet, we still put trust in colleges and universities to produce "quality citizens". Yeah, I said "quality citizens" because you're not considered capable of doing anything significant until you get a diploma; try even being a manager at a department store without a diploma of some sort.

And let's get it right people... YOU DON'T GO TO COLLEGE TO GET AN EDUCATION; YOU GO TO COLLEGE TO GET A DIPLOMA. YOU DON'T HAVE TO ACTUALLY GET AN EDUCATION TO GRADUATE, TRUST ME. It's nothing but jumping through hoops. You learn how to do what you're told and dat about it.

I get pissed when I think about what most 17-23 year olds are doing right now. Lets put it in perspective and see if things have improved or gotten worse. When Alexander the Great was 17 years old, he was conquering the world; when I and I was 17, I was in a screwed up high school in a screwed up school system with a screwed up education trying to convince older, "wiser" people that education is not the meaning of life. And by the way, if you think I learned that Alexander the Great stuff at school, fie on you: I learned it WATCHING TV. Some good quality time there...

Hegg yeah... Then I finally graduated high school and "became somebody"'; in other words in spite of my outstanding academic credentials, I wasn't worth listening to until after I graduated. But here's the thing: I'm still saying the same things I said back then right now. The difference is I'm wise enough not to say it to the people around me anymore because they're bad listeners. I'm tired of fighting for attention.

College... shoot, you can put me in a library for a whole semester and I'll learn more than any classroom could ever teach me. And tell me this... why the heck do we pick majors if we're gonna spend most of our time in college getting "well-rounded" taking other courses... That's a waste of money from all angles. "Well, you need to be a well-rounded person..." Well, what the h3ll was high school for?! Oh yeah... the high schools sucked... it all makes sense now. Good job, Dr. So-and-So Superintendent, and all you great well-taught teachers. Here's some words of non-wisdom from a non-graduate: fix your school system before you accept any new teachers, and maybe you won't lose so many of the ones you have. And yeah, I got the answer to that too, but I have to graduate and serve in the education system for x amount of years before I am "worthy" of helping you.<-------if it sounds like nonsense don't blame me; or just do what you normally do and don't listen... And I'm SICK and TIRED of people asking me about school; like, they barely know me, they just wanna know when I'm gonna graduate. And I'm not talking about strangers, I'm talking about family. Half of my family is just now realizing they really don't know me. Or maybe they don't realize it. Hm... Like, they always gotta ask me what I want for things like Christmas and my birthday because they don't really know what my interests are. But until special occasions come up, they don't really CARE what my interests are. All they wanna know is when I'm gonna graduate. Anything else is speaking French to them; and I'm pretty sure they've all forgotten the foreign languages they "learned" in school... And yeah, I had to take a foreign language too... for what, I have yet to figure out...

I want to pay my own tuition so I can graduate when I d@mn well please, but I don't think I can do it. So plan B is to graduate as quickly as possible to get my family off of my back. And yeah, I predicted back in the 9th grade that college would happen this way; I have so many ideas for doing great things to make positive changes, but I'm gonna get mobbed into the workforce and have my productivity killed to make other people comfortable. It's for MY comfort you say? OKay... so when I get my first classto teach and they lose their love for learning because of their sarcastic, defeated teacher, what then? Which reminds me...

At what point does all that talk about "Let God lead you" actually come into play? Seems like the saying should be "Let God lead you if you have time for it". If they only knew what's been on my heart since 1997... Actually, no. They wouldn't listen because it's not "professional" enough.

Man... when I think about all the money we spend... Books, classes, tuition, labs, activities, athletic fees, paper, raised tution, parking, gas money, gaassss money, hours in study, stress, hours in class, stress, hours in exams... for what? A piece of paper that says, "I am somebody"? I mean, I could actually have 2-3 money market accounts by just investing that money in something worthwhile. And listen closely... I was somebody the day I was born. 12 years of academic excellence didn't make me somebody. Any additional years of academia won't make me any more a somebody than I already was. And I when I get to where I was meant to be, I expect to look back on these years with the question of what good did college really do me? Better yet, I won't even look back. I spent too much time doing that in history classes already.


At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I feel you. I'm also the ONLY one. I guess the only way people will start to believe us is if we do something that validates people's opinion of material success. But their enlies the whole irony of it. So people really do lie when they tell you to 'follow your dreams', ha? Anyway, this not being in school thing is working better than being in school. Will keep you posted,

The Good Doctor


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