Monday, October 24, 2005

Strawberry-Pecan Bread and a Side of Coffee

I guess I'll begin by sketching the situation: my mom is waaaay under the weather... Like WAAAAAY under. She's been in the CCU for close to a week now, and it's been a Vivian Green scene, ya dig? Emotional Rollercoaster.

Between the praying and the tears and the hopefulness and dashed hopes, I needed something to distract me. So I found a recipe for Strawberry Pecan Bread on the Net the other day. Wasn't gonna cook it until later, but after botching the biscuit recipe I told you about on my second attempt (see Sour Milk: A Lesson on Resourcefulness) in my rush to get back to the hospital, I said, "Why not..."

Actually, I still said "Later..." but my little sis was up to it so I let her take the lead. She got started and did most of the egg-breaking and mixing. I broke up the pecans and mixed when the batter got too thick. Then we both distributed the batter into two long glass pans. Little did we know it would be the best thing we could've done at the time.

I glanced once while it was cooking and the bread looked FRIGGIN AWESOME. I couldn't believe we had done it. Close to time to pull it out, we thought we had burned it when we saw the surface had slightly darkened and the edges had become seared. Thinking we'd have to scrape the edges off, we found that they were actually quite soft. That's when we knew we were in business. Then came the taste test, and it tasted FRIGGIN AWESOME. How awesome we wouldn't know until the next day, but even that night at 2:00 am, I knew we had some good stuff.

Then came the morning. Instead of keeping the bread for ourselves like we planned, we brought the pans to the hospital with us for the family to try. It was a hit! They said it was "sweet, but not too sweet", and everybody got a decent-sized piece. Nobody had had breakfast, so it was a great start for the day. Then my aunt decided to get a cup of coffee with her bread. She took a sip and a bite and told us to try it... OH MY GOODNESS, IT WAS FRIGGIN AWESOME. The coffee and Strawberry-Pecan Bread complimented each other so well they were irresistable together.

So now, I'm sitting here at home, eating the second-to-the-last piece of the Strawberry-Pecan Bread (I saved the last and biggest piece for my sister). I've got my coffee right next to my mouse, and my only wish is that my mom makes it to get to try it for herself. I'll catch ya'll later, I'm gonna go visit before class.

All Love

Oh Yeah
P.S. - I got a call for an interview the other day and had it this morning. Think it went pretty well. If all goes, I'll have a pretty solid job soon and be a little more self-sufficient. All Praise to the Trinity.


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