Thursday, October 06, 2005

Recovered: Second Transmission to B.Cataclysmic

"Everything happens for reasons". That's my spin on the cliche, and I think it's more appropriate don't you? Anywasy, sorry we got disconnected, Samurai. But I know now that it was meant to be; today I came across something that definitely needs to be included in this transmission.

I'll start with where I was yesterday. Cat, if I hang around this place any longer, it's gonna break me; I can feel it. I'm the most logical playa on earth homie: where's the logic in doing what everybody else is doing? Doesn't the Bible say "wide is the road that leads to destruction"? So why the heck should we ever be where the majority is? And then there's the ever popular "if God is for us, then who can be against us?" So many people think they have our best interests in mind, but I like to think it's more important to be in line with the One who KNOWS what's in our best interest.

But I understand us moving so slowly. After all, neither of us is 100% certain that we're in line with God. That's the danger of being a thinker; sometimes it's hard to separate faith and logic. At the same time, the logic we share doesn't seem to register to other people, so it's gonna take faith for us to follow up on it, right?

Let's face it: you and I both know our "superiors" are gonna have a prollem with pretty much anything we do outside of their ability to comprehend. It's like, that faith they talk about is fine until the rubber meets the road----dag, another cliche--- but then we see who's real about this faith thing and who's playin. In the past, out of respect, we showed obedience and allowed ourselves to be contained; we prayed for a smooth transition. But maybe the time has come for our allegiences to shift, for better or worse. I know what's in my heart, 'feel me; ain't tryna hurt nobody... But I don't think we can please everybody this go-round.

So where do we go from here? The only thing I can think to do is whatever we have in mind and heart to do, Samurai. The picture is unclear; the way is shrouded. But maybe this is just our Jordan to cross, ya know? It's funny... Pastor just preached on this topic: making it to the Promised Land in your life. It usually requires a trademark leap of faith (dag, ANOTHER cliche! ugghhh...). And the only parachute you might have is Him.

You wanna hear something else funny? Today I turn on the radio, right? (u know I never listen 2 radio) And I come across this cat, Michael Baisden. He spends the whole show talking about this very thing, homie. He was urging cats to get up and be about theirs... let go of those restraints.

Now you know ya boy Jig is gonna be tactful at all times, but maybe it's time to kiss all spectators goodbye. Whatever move you decide to make, I'ma meet u halfway, and I'm sure vice versa.

Now lemme send this joint before the BloggerMonster eats it again...

All Love and Jesus PeaceB-)


At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What you know about Mike Baisden? Holla back at me yo...


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