Friday, April 28, 2006

Totally Unrelated, But I Love the Implications...

O...kay... I wouldn't call this a blog, but when it's over with you will, so heyB-P.

It's been quite a week. Nevertheless I should warn you, right after I recapture the events of the week, I'm gonna overlap this post with a Qi Mystery update, lol.

...WEll, I planned on writing a blog on Monday; procrastinated, lol. But it paid off cuz now you get to spend a week with Jigabod. My homeboy Doc frum BlackLoveOneGrowth came thru Tuesday and I decided to take him to my fav Mom and Pop's shop, La Casa Latina, to get... THA DGGJGB!!! So we get there, and make friendly with the shopkeeper. As I'm purchasing my DGGJGB!!! the shopkeeper and I chatted a little. And he told me the funniest thing. He told me that there's a preacher who comes by and buys caseloads of DGGJGB to drink after his sermons; it helps his throat recover. HMMMM... ISN'T THAT SOMETHING? DGGJGB, the drink of preachers??? ...I love the implications, lol.

Then, on a totally unrelated subject, somewhere between Tues and Wednesday the unthinkable happened. A rap forum I had been sharpening my skills on, Rapn4FX, was taken down due to personal difficulties. Now, ordinarily this would be a terrible thing... Did I ever tell you about the first site I was ever on, ""? Well... GUESS WHO'S COMING HOME... WITH COMPANY...B-J

I love the implications.

So, on a totally unrelated topic, the plan was to give a speech at an Honor's Day ceremony dedicated to my mother on Thursday. Couldn't go up there lookin harsh right? So I decides to shtop by the Barbershop and get my all natural shaped up. I've known my barber, Kel, for SOOO LONG. He was my barber as early as 4th or 5th grade; I just lost the pick I got from him back when I had a flat top a few weeks ago, lol. Anywasy, how blessed is this: I get there and no one's in the chair or waiting on it! I was up as soon as I was in. As we caught up and talked work and business, he told me something that really hit me: "Matt, I don't see you as the type of cat to work under other people. You're like the type of cat to run your own business." WAS THAT A HEAVEN SENT?! I REALLY NEEDED THAT.

I LOVE the implications.

The next day (it's Thursday now) I'm at the Honor's Ceremony. All I could think about on my way was, "You don't wanna give a second eulogy Matt, lol". My suit didn't look right to me when I left the house; when I can afford it, I'm gonna get some custom made ones. Anywasy, I arrived (my aunt was there too, the Hillsinger one, lol) As I sat, I was nervous about the whole thing; not that I mind speaking at all, but nobody told me exactly how long I had, or how I was to present the award. By the way, the award was a scholarship named in honor of my mother; in case I never told you, she was a teacher for 25 years. I'm getting ahead of myself... the bottom line was this. Before things got too far under way, singers from the school blessed the audience with accappella rendition of "Take My Hand Precious Lord". Didn't think I'd be shedding any tears when I got there, but I couldn't help myself... Remember me telling you how gospel messes me up since mom passed? That was real slick ya'll :'-( But... the thing is, I didn't think I'd be doing anymore crying after the funeral phase. Looks like my tear glands are definitely back online after all these years.

I'm not used to crying, but I love the implications.

But heeeere was the clencher (totally unrelated). The old guy that watches out for me at my job; one of my closest coworkers. At each other's throats?! I'm tambout, I heard a " we can take this out in the parking lot!!!" in the midst of all this. I tried to calm my homeboy down, but it wasn't happening: might be an NY thing. Anywasy, he ended up leaving, and a few hours later the old guy left too. So methinks... them boyz ain comin back tonight. And word has it, we've got a BIG job to do. "I don't like the look of it..." Not to mention the tension when they finally do come back. Still, it was all surrounding a weak link in the chain of command. And one thing I admire about my homeboy iz he's so bluntly honest and unafraid to be vocal with it; even if sometimes he does it the wrong way.

Or IS IT the wrong way? Who knows; but I love the implications. In a department store with a shady chain of command, it's nice that there are cats who aren't afraid to make a little ruckus if necessary.

Dag... this turned out to be a pretty good one I guess. Too bad I gotta follow it up so quickly.



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