Friday, December 30, 2005

2006: The Year of the Tailor

Yeah, it's about that time. Another year comes to a close. And what can I say for 2005?

...2005 was--- I'm not gonna say it was a bad year--- I'm gonna say it hit me; 2005 hit me. But as any decent warrior knows, there's no point dwelling on the last hit if it didn't kill ya; and if it killed ya then stay the heck down!

Once you've been hit, you don't get mad... First you get back up. Then you show respect for the hit and give your opponent his due. But then... then you hit that mutha BACK. I usually don't do NewYear's Resolutions, but I feel like I'm being challenged, and I HATE THAT. So this is my fighting stance for the New Year:

1. Lord-willing, I'm gonna get closer to Jesus in 2006. Last year, I got shook
when my mom passed. But I'm gonna take that faith she left me back up for 2006
and mix it with a bit of my own. Even if I don't get back into church on the
regular, I'm gonna study harder and pray more.

2. Lord-willing, I'm gonna show more love. I don't like being bothered, but I gotta make time for cats. Gotta k.i.t. with the family, no matter the cost; if it means a few slips of the tongue on my part, I'll just have to apologize and work on it. Friends as well; let our interactions be a help and not a hinderance to each of us. Most importantly, I'm gonna be there for my sister no matter what; if she doesn't have anyone else, I want her to ALWAYS ALWAYS have me.

3. Lord-willing, I'm going to see this dreadnaught-spaceship-of-a-musical-venture off the ground. I won't get discouraged by length of time; I'm already way past my own deadline. I won't get discouraged by the successes of others; we're not in it for the same reasons, so their ups and downs say nothing about my own path. And this is the outline of how I wanna pull it off:

A. Lord-willing, I want to evolve a team with great chemistry to
help the process. I pray they will be a diverse group of artists of all
types who have their own convictions, but share the same vision. I also pray that wherever I may not have expertise, such as in matters of business, that there will be a member to compensate for it. May the group as a whole bring enough connections to the table to make this happen. LET OUR POWERS COMBINE!!!

B. Lord-willing, I want to move into my mother's room and convert my room into a studio seating 5-6 people to facilitate recording sessions. I want to soundproof it over the course of the year, use my closet for instrument storage, and turn the neighboring clearing in the hallway into a large booth.

C. Lord-willing, I want to hone both my writing and producing skills to perfection, but always with room to improve. With highest emphasis, I want my writing, delivery, and presentation especially to become as natural and effortless as breathing so that I can compete with rappers on all levels. I've put much emphasis on production in 2005 and I need to invest just as much energy into my rap attributes.

D. Lord-willing, let production become a solid, stable source of income for my production group and for the larger project. Not only let it help set all other projects in motion, but let it be so stable that my group can make a lifestyle of it, clear the table of other distractions, and focus on it to get the most out of it.

E. Lord-willing, my production group will complete its album early in the year and I will complete both of my solo albums in near proximity to that.

F. Lord-willing, my equipment will remain intact and fully operational long enough for everything to come to pass and until we can afford to get new equipment.

G. Lord-willing, I will avoid people who discourage my aspirations. I will speak of my aspirations only to those who need to hear it, to those who will encourage it, and to those who will help the process.

5. Lord-willing, I will get in a position where I can be totally independent. I'm sick of having other people influence the course of my life. Once I'm in complete control of my finances and capable of managing them, I will have full control in every decision I have to make. I would also like to have enough to be all I can be for my sister as well. I want to be able to:

A. Continue to tithe.

B. Pay my own bills.

C. Pay my own tuition.

D. Have money left over for savings and reach financial security by saving at least 6-months worth of paychecks. Obtaining a money-market account would be ideal.

E. Invest toward the music project.

F. Have money left over to enjoy myself.

6. Lord-willing, I'm gonna switch to a very healthy diet. I wanna operate this entire year at peak health and have a long, healthy life.

7. Lord-willing, if I have to go to school, I will do well in it. I don't agree with the principles behind schooling, but I will find motivation and make my way through it.

Hm... 7 is my favorite number, so I think I'll stop here. "7 in 1 stroke..." Like in The Brave Little Tailor... Yeah, I like the sound of that! Lord-willing, 2006 will be the year I kill seven giants in one stroke!!!

7-in-1 stroke... How's that for a counterattack, 2005?...


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