Friday, September 30, 2005

The Team: For the Students

Ah yes. The Students. The Students of the Sunken City. The Students of the Final Curtain. The Students of the Speak Life School. The Students of that sought me out on some random late-night. The Students in rhyme as well as the Students in Life.

You know, they say the best way to remember something is to teach it to someone else. I thank God that I have people willing to listen that I can pass my knowledge to in the two areas I know well: music and life. The cats I'm about to rap about are the cats that would and still hit me up at the most inconvenient times (nah, ur good), show me their verses, ask for feedback whether I like it or not (for real, I ain't always up to it playas, lol), tell me about their victories and defeats in rhyme as well as life.

No matter how tired I get, I enjoy havin ya'll come to me for whatever. One day, you cats will be greater than any of us older MCs, because you're good listeners. Just look at some of the older students, Timmy Wood and Snype: they're almost untouchable now. It pays to be studious, whether it be in rhyme or in life. Keep an open, objective mind; observe and take things in; never think you have it all figured out; challenge yourself and don't get content; don't compare yourself to others. These are just a few things I want ya'll cats to hold on to. Of course there are many others.

If I don't list u here, don't get blow'd at me, lol. Just hit me up on the late night tip like u always do and POLITELY lemme know. My brain is waaaaaaay fried wit all these blog entries.

Fayt - Aw man. This was a bold cat. One of the first Students I ever had. The first cat to call me Sensai, lol. He has a lot of heart and determination.

Pride - We talked recently, and after a hiatus he decided to leave battling as well. Now it's about sharpening back up.

Vizualizah - This the most soulful of the Students I've had. His content is very thought provoking and he was heavily influenced by Nas. To be 14, he's a very deep cat. So we have really meaningful conversations. He also has a way with words; something he naturally had before he ever came to me for advice. Recently he introduced me to his best friend as well, so a quick shout out to Viz's homie as well.

Brizzle - Not a Netcee, but a realtime student. Spent a lot of time in the studio wit me this summer. He's a child of the mainstream, but he's a listener too. A little arrogant, but it makes things interesting, lol. He's got a nice voice, and with a little training he could use his talent and persona to be something special.

Prophecy - lol... This cat ALWAYS got jokes when we chat. I first noticed him cuz he had an avatar closely related to mine. From there, we just started chattin on a regular basis and he'd submit verses for me to dissect.

T-Bone - Another realtime student. Haven't been able to spend the time I'd like to spend with this cat, but I can tell he's a warrior so I'm looking forward to seeing what he'll put out. In some ways he reminds me of myself circa 10th/11th grade; a lot of suppressed heat.

Ikso - Ohhh man... Out of all the cats I've EVER met online period... Genius is something that's so obvious when you see it. When you meet somebody that can do what most cats need an hour to do in a matter of seconds... And I'm not talking just writing a verse. I'm talking writing an IMPECCABLE verse. He's 14 years old and already on par with the greatest of the veteran MCs I've known. Yet he comes to me for advice? All I can do is pre-congratulate him, lol. Recently he joined the Horsemen, my former squad. He definitely will keep them at the top for years to come... DEFINITELY.

Timmy Wood - One of my first-first students. But as far as I'm concerned, thsi cat is a grad. I knew it would only be a matter of time the day he told me he was going to isolate his lines and perfect them individually. I was like "Is this cat reading my mind?!"

Exile - X has this unique style that has always been with him. He rhymes in waves, lol. He writes a line that blows your mind, then eases down, then blows your mind again, then eases down. It balances out to make for some great writing. If he could just stay at that peak level on all his lines!

DJ Q - I remember when Q first came to Stankonia and we would cypher at night. Cat would come up with the craziest metaphors, and I was like "If he ever gets control of that..." WEll... he has control of it now. Peep his site,

Lions Gate - The illusive one, lol. We've chatted for over a year now, and I still don't know anything about this cat. Except one interesting point...he's more of a poet than an MC. Nuttin wrong with that, cuz it's all about self-expression. Just don't box the playa in and let him work, lol.

JRid 3000 - The Geordie, lol. This the youngest student I've got, reppin the UK. I like this cat because he's always got questions. Asking questions takes you far in life. His style has grown tremendously in about 2 weeks, so I'm eager to see him reach the top of his game to see what it looks like when Brits get down, lol.

I'm sure there are others, but I only got so many brain cells left, people. Though most of our dealings are music affiliated, one thing I know is that a lot of these cats have struggles in real time; some of these cats are so good at what they do because it's their only outlet. On account of that, with my last sane thoughts, I would like to say this to all my students: rapping, poetry, good advice... it's all nothing if you don't have Jesus Christ in your life. If you trust me to help make you better MCs, then trust me on something that really counts. I'm not telling you to be anything in life or do anything to succeed; if you get Jesus Christ in your life, you'll not only succeed, but you'll know what true success is. I know I sound like a religious fanatic, but I wouldn't be real if I held back something this vital from you, right?

Meanwhile, a ginger beer toast... All Love to my homies, The StudentsB-)


At 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jig,

Finally finished reading your blog-o-mania...and thought about something. The situation with Miss Missy might've been a precursor from God preparing you for the now...though I'm sure you've thought of that before. Oh yeah, and I know I quote sports, but I'm trying not to become a walking cliche...that's the worst thing about people tend to rehash and repeat. Repeating is only good when you're defending championships...later Jig.


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