Friday, September 30, 2005

The Team: For The Good Doctor

Doc is prolly one of my newest friends, though we've known each other for years now. We met thru our church, and the church has pretty much been our common ground ever since. Maybe that's why our relationship is different than my other relationships with my other friends.

(I'm about to geek again, so brace yourself...) Street Fighter fans: if me and Swim are like Guile and Nash, then me and Doc are like Ryu and Ken. We each derive our views from the same source but we go about things differently, just like Ryu and Ken practice the same art but represent two different manifestations of it. Need more geekage? Okay... For you X-Men fans: let's say one of us is Professor Xavier and the other Magneto; we see the same problems and come up with two different solutions that, unfortunately, seem to short circuit each other, lol.

But just like Xavier and Magneto have respect for each other, Doc and I share the same sentiments. Doc is a great writer and is a boundless source of creativity. He's a leader who likes to assume the leadership position from the onset; a go-getter if you will. He's very direct and very progressive minded.

Doc has a love for his people that radiates in his written expressions. There's no question of his focus on Christian ideals, and he is diligent in his dedication to the students we mutually teach at our church. It's these core values that I think are the most important when it comes to us relating to each other. There aren't many other cats in my near vicinity that hold to these values, so 9 times out of 10 when it's go time, Doc is gonna be my first pick.

So you might say in the face of Apocalypse, unlikely allies unite, lol... (ya'll don't get it do you... go get X-Men Legends 2).

Now a little about the real Doc. I was watching ESPN one day about a year ago. Stuart Scott came on and said something. And I said to myself, "That sounds a lot like Doc... Matter of fact, that's Doc's style almost to a T..." It was later that I put two and two together and figured out that Doc was aspiring to be a sports journalist. I had heard him say it before, but I always thought about it from the writing angle, not from the actual sportscasting. But it shows in his personality; Doc likes to use those "sportscaster phrases", the catchy quips that keep crowds' attentions. He often does it when we chat. Stuart better step up his game or he might be out of a job, lol.

We got a long way to go to get to our mutual destinations and accomplish our respective goals. We'll prolly clash on various occasions on our way there, but I'm certain that if our cores remain the same, we at least won't destroy each other, lol. And who knows... maybe we'll find more common ground as we go. Time will tell.

In the meantime, we'll enjoy the moment.. a ginger beer toast. All Love to the homie the Good DoctorB-)

(I need to put you up on this DGGJGB too, lol)

P.S. - Peep The Good Doctor's Blog,


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