Friday, September 30, 2005

The Team: For the Stanks

STANKTOWN, GIT DOWN, lolol. Man, this is another one I gotta credit LJ for. See, we're both big OutKast fans, and back in 2001 it was LJ who introduced me to the site Yo... all jokes aside... this site changed my life.

It was my first web community. And to this day it's still the WEIRDEST one I've seen, lol. The funniest thing I can remember was the time cats started giving away their races. All day I was like "YOU'RE White?" YOU'RE White?!" "YOU'RE BLACK!!!" It was so great, because somehow the fact that people had to tell what race they were just proved how insignificant it was.

Speaking of race, we have a race war on the site like clockwork every year. It's the strangest phenomenon. Matter of fact, our site is filled with conflict. Maybe that's what keeps it alive. There's always a big fight, but then everybody's so close when it's over with.

You see some of the CRAZIEST stuff at the least expected times on StankTown... We've had cats get mocked by picture editing, cats playing the dozens for weeks, cats threatening to pay house visits, invasions from other sites, presidencies, parties (courtesy of yours truly B-)), births, deaths, political campaigns, tournaments, excommunications.... We've even had a celebrity come thru and join the site! Not to long ago Esthero actually joined us; I knew it was her because i recognized the writing style from her own site. Unfortunately our site crash and eliminated the most recent members. By the way... it's very very bad when the site crashes because we have go to other people's sites... but we have no home training, so some of us act a plum fool, lol. I'm not gonna go into detail, but some terrible things happen to unsuspecting people when a Stank has photoshop and a picture of BeetleJuice (not the ghost, the midget... but you should still be very afraid).

But I'm getting antsy... let's get to the Stanks themselves. is the wildest conglomerate of unpredictables you ever wanna meet. We've got the nicest of the nice, the meanest of the mean, the smartest of the smart, and the veeeery far opposite, lol. I could never list all of em... actually... I might could (<---SUPER BAD GRAMMAAAAR, lol), but I'll just list some of the most notorious ones and whoever else comes to mind. Now some of these I'm going to mention again soon. T3 - THIS BROTHA USED TO BE ONE MEAN SON OF A GUN!!! Running cats off the site, lol. It was bad, and I was always trying to coax people to come back, but in a way I was proud of him, lol. And even though he's reformed now, it takes a certain diligence to be so good at something like that; definitely one of my favorite White people in the world. But one thing I can say without a doubt, he's a TRUE Dungeon Family fan. Check out the site he administrates,

Shullbit - lol... Yeah, he's known for that tenacity at making life hard for cats too. He's been at it so long, but I never get tired of it. I think he's probably somehow a big part of the reason the site is what it is.

DaStank1 - The mysterious administrator. The only thing I know is that he's an intelligent brotha... a cat I've talked to in the past, but never got close enough to drain for all his knowledge, lol. But there are days to come yet...

Eclosis - This brotha... I have so much respect for this brotha. He shares my taste in women, lol. He used to rotate avatars between pictures of beautiful women. And he knows how to pic the classy ones too: the pics that come off as risque, but dont' take it too far. I used to jump online some days and get the most pleasant surprises! lol

Unknown Mutant 3000 - lol, Fellow Greater Augustan. I gotta meet this cat for myself one day. When Eclosis isn't bringin the beautiful pics, UKM3000 fills in the gap for a brotha. Much obliged, homie.

IntelligentDemeanor - All I can say is this is a smoove one. Her writing style is unmistakeable, lol. Offsite we've talked several times, and she comes off real cool. Can't wait to catch up to ya again, Miss.

Iluvkast & Plain Jane - These are like the two "girls next door" on the site. It's funny watching how cool these two can be in the midst of the turmoil that cats keep up on the site.

G-Rex - A wealth of information who has "schooled me" via topical rhyme defeat on numerous occasions. I'm gonna get back to this cat, lol.

Notlikedarest - I met this one at a Net party I threw on the site a few years ago. She's a cutie, and we've had several good conversations. Hope school's goin well for ya; it STILL sux down here!!! (but we get by, one day at a time, lol)

Lion's Gate - This cat is a hoot because he's so unpredictable. Nobody knows anything about him for sure; it's all subject to change. But while everybody gets mad at the cat, it's kinda entertaining trying to keep up with him.

Billy Gunz and Pun - Ohhhhh man. These two MCs have had the longest beef in history, lol. It just became a part of the site after while. Not really animosity, but just a law of Stanktown. Their competing has led to some fine works of battle rap lore. I'll come back to them later.

Cause of DEF - Aw man... the cat that most influenced my rhyming. I'm gonna come back to this genius later on, so I'm not gonna go too much into detail. But I do remember outside of the battle area, this was the cat known for "settling it". I think COD pretty much won any argument he was in, lol. But this cat is a great writer too. I remember him telling me he received a reward for being the most humorous columnist in his area. So in writing we had a huge interest in common, and the rest is history. I'm gonna come back to this cat in the future, so be on the lookout...

Hustleman Clone - Hands down the funniest cat on the site. I haven't talked much to him directly, but the brotha is darn funny. That freaky blue jay post... it's just so wrong...

I'm gonna add to this list as it comes to me, but these are a few to start cha off. Scared yet?

Anyway, what the Stanks have done for me is give me an outlet to find out who I really am; in reality, people usually have expectations of me that keep me contained. But I escaped first on Stankonia, then to the world. It's been like a second high school, one where I was much more social. It's been a very healthy experience, very educational and very enriching. I now know how to express myself effectively, take constructive criticism, be supportive, avoid some people, and end big arguments by writing loooooooong informative responses, lol

2 things I wish for every Stank. 1) Find Jesus, cuz BOY-O-BOYARDEE do some of ya'll need Jesus!!! lol 2) Get some of this DG Genuine Jamaican Ginger Beer; ya'll don't know whatcha'll MISSING!

A ginger beer toast to the Stanks. All Love from ya boy Jig... after all, yah were there when Jig was bornB-)


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