Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Strong Woman Remains a Woman

I'm not sure if I'm apt to try this one, but necessity leads me to embark on it. Originally, I had planned send this one to my Sistas only, but you know what... let this be for any woman that needs it.

Hello. So... when is it safe to be a woman nowadays? More than likely, that's a striking question to you. How can a woman not be a woman? Actually, in the society and times we live in, one can think of many ways. But I'll address all the ways on a separate occasion. Tonight, I only want to focus on one particular position...

I have friends that say I cater to women. They say, when it comes to my views on social problems, that I'm too soft on women. But it's nothing to me; I just shrug 'em off. See, this is my thing... I could be hard on women if I felt like women were at fault. But 'you know what I found out? I found out that most of the problems women battle in our society stem from a man. Brothas gon hate me for this, but I'm far from gay so it doesn't really matter to me, lol...

Off the top, any brotha reading this is probably thinking I'm referring only to men's mishaps in relationships. Valid assumption, but naaah... I go deeper than that. You know what's the biggest problem we're facing? It's not our failures as husbands and boyfriends; that's definitely a problem, but it's secondary. The most damaging screw up we make is when it comes to something much more basic: fatherhood. Oh, all-pivotal fatherhood...

On a daily basis, this is what I see from young women: many throw themselves at men, bouncing from man-to-man hungry for any kind of attention; many women's standards have been lowered--- some aren't even comfortable with a man that treats them fairly; some have become hardened and have totally negated men from their lives as entities of evil. Oftentimes, as they live along these dangerous lifestyles, their very self-images become destroyed as they pass thru the callous hands of heartless lovers; either this or they allow their hearts and hands to become callous in return. So they either become what these men would have them to become, or they become outright rebellious to males in general.

But guess what? Believe it or not, God had set up a defense system against ALL of that. We call them fathers. People have forgotten, but what's supposed to happen is that a father is to be the first man in every girl's life. He is to be the first one to call his daughter "beautiful", the first one to teach her how a man ought to treat a woman. He builds her self-image so that no other man can tear her down. And she learns not to accept any treatment less than she would expect from her father...

Now, take a look around and tell me what fathers are up to nowadays. Exactly... none of the aforementioned. 'Matter of fact, a young woman is extremely blessed if her father is even there, assuming he's not molesting her, as I've heard the story told by so many young women. So tell me, how can I be mad at women and ask so much of them when they're operating outside of their element? I understand that what we see happening now is simply women's attempts to fulfill a role not meant for them. And whether or not people admit it, it's a suicide mission.

I could easily just tell my friends, "Sure, take up your case with women. Make them 'man' up to the situation..." You see the incoming problem there? In essence, that's exactly what they would be asking women to do... "man up". And for any radical feminist reading this, come up off it... I'm not saying women can't do what men do. I'm saying that women shouldn't do what men do... because they're WOMEN. Women should only be called to be women and they should never have to abandon their femininity to compensate for a man's faults. I'm a firm believer in "restoring the order". The answer will never be in making women adjust to suit their new roles; that's what we're seeing now, and it's not working. Women were never meant to be fathers, nor were women meant to get their identities from suitors. The answer is in making men fulfill their roles as fathers in order to allow women to be the women they were created to be.

I had this dream once of a somewhat sensual nature (so I won't go into detail). It was about a girl I encountered in real life; I never really talked to her, but she was on my mind for some reason. Anywasy, in this dream she was in her kitchen washing dishes. Her kids were outside scrambling and she was running a house by herself basically. She wasn't attempting to maintain herself anymore. It seemed she had given up on herself; slouched shoulders, unhealthy build, wrinkles at a young age, wiry hair, heavy eyes.

But I saw her beauty thru all the scars left by her experiences. And somehow I knew I had the power to change all that. I quietly slid behind her and let my fingers reach out and trace her neck. She flinched as I found bruises and an unflattering tattoo there---the name of an ex-love interest, it appeared. Suddenly, as I skimmed the tattoo, it lifted from her skin without a trace. And I'm gonna have to stop there in good taste, cuz there might be kids in the room...

From the bottom of my heart, I wish I was that powerful though; powerful enough to take away all the woes that we have brought to women. But at the same time this dream, as right as it may seem, is not the dream that will save future generations of women. Brothas... if you have a girlfriend, wife... by all means and with all diligence take care of her. But more importantly: if you have children, and especially daughters, BE THERE FOR THEM. Be everything you're called to be to them. That's what's going to save our women in the times to come. Never leave a woman to be mother and father. Never leave a daughter to receive her self-worth and self-esteem from strangers.

Finally, I want to say this to all the women who are struggling right now under this curse. Trust me when I say, I am not oblivious to your plight. I regret on behalf of my brothers what has happened to you. But you can't stop here. Hold on to this: A Strong Woman Remains a Woman. What I'm saying is, thru it all, don't lose your femininity. Don't let the outside change your inside. It's human to be vulnerable, but you can take it. And this one's for my Christian sisters... I know what it's like to withhold tears fearing that enemies will take pleasure in your pain. But by all means, if you have em, LET EM RAIN. Cuz I found out something... God honors your tears and broken, contrite hearts. Look it up...(------->

I say this all in love, and I ask that you pray for us so we all can get back to living higher.


At 10:27 PM, Blogger The Good Doctor said...

Hey man,

The 51st Psalm was written by a king. I see that the saga continues with posts like this one and others like it. Take care my brother and remember that believing in the "king of kings" makes us such in our own right.

--Love is the remedy--
The Good Doctor

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I am very impressed that you aren't ashamed to speak up for brothers. You hit on some really controversial elements in relationships and I thank you for that. I hope that other brothers will read this and feel where you are coming from. Keep up the good work!


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